Community Resolution
Arizona Rural Human Services Network
PO. Box 11971, Tucson, AZ  85734
Phone: (520) 682-7166 Fax: (520) 682-7026

A Community Resolution: 

To censure and boycott the menace of the Pima County Interfaith Council  (CPCIC) and its Annual Political Convocation and Economic Development Summit.  Adopted by the Arizona Rural Human Services Network (ARHSN) on February  19,1997. 

To Whom it May Concern: 

The Arizona Rural Human Services Network (ARHSN), a grassroots  community-based organization, strongly censures and thereby boycotts theupcoming Annual Pima County Interfaith Council's Political  Convocation. 

Network members have cited that this meeting is nothing more than an  orchestrated show put on by a small but vocal core of religious fanatics bent on destroying the established and proven social service delivery system and  replacing it with one subject to their religious and middle class value  system. 

Furthermore, the Network deplores the tactics of PCIC, which in order achieve  their demands, have intimidated and harassed local elected of officials and  organizations demanding they give in to PCIC, or face the  consequences. 

The Network also deplores PCIC tactics of preying upon the poor and  luring them to join their solidarity group in order to receive desperately  needed social services and jobs. which PCIC rarely delivers. 

Also, the Network asserts that PCIC's Accountability Convocation is a  misnomer as they have been unable to give accountability for the money  they have received. The Network further cites that PCIC has no track record in social service delivery and is unqualified to do so. 

The Network feels that the Convocation is a staging point for planning  attacks on local government, social service organizations, neighborhood  groups, schools, etc. They seek to intimidate and then take over. 

Fortunately, most of our local officials are astute enough to realize  that PCIC does not represent but a fraction of the local churches and the  poor they claim to represent. 

In fact, most area churches condemn the PCIC movement and its  methodology as contrary to scripture

They cite Luke 12 33-34: trial clearly states the church role is to "sell  what you have- and give alms to the poor." They also fear that PCIC will  drag their it churches into question on the issue of taxation of property and  Constitutional issues of Church and State. Issues that any local government  best weigh before funding PCIC as there will certainly be legal  challenges. 

Unfortunately, PCIC emerged on the scene as a disruptive force, which  comes at a time when we need true unity if we are to counteract the disastrous effects of Welfare Reform. It is ironic that some of  the same churches that support PCIC were responsible for pressuring Congress  into these devastating cuts in social services, which caused the crisis  PCIC  claims to champion.

Finally, if PCIC and its Political Accountability Convocation wish to  have a legitimate place in the War on Poverty, they must be accountable and bring their church resources along with a spirit of cooperation to the  table. Only then can we believe that PCIC is being accountable and worthy of  our trust


The above resolution was passed unanimously at the February  19th Network  meeting.