The Interfaith Councils are infiltrating our churches, schools, politics, teachers and trade unions with their blend of Christian and Marxist principals documented by reliable sources contained herein. These Interfaith Councils are anything but religious as their founder, Saul D. Alinski, was a noted Marxist, atheist. Alinsky founded the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), which provides initial grants and indoctrination of the local political organizers. The Campaign for Human Development (CHD), even though it claims that their funds are not for endorsing political candidates, openly funds the Industrial Areas Foundation political action activities. The tactics used by the Interfaith organizers are derived from Alinsky's book "Eleven Rules for Radicals," which he dedicated to "Lucifer" the first radical. Alinsky successor is Ernesto Cortes who has used the Industrial Areas Foundation to exploit the Liberation Theology concept to incorporate his blend of Christian/ Marxist principles. The Eleven Rules are used to create social discontent among the poor, new immigrants, and the disenfranchised. Furthermore the Interfaith Councils are exploiting the anger associated with deep Welfare Reform cuts in social services to solidify their political base. The Interfaiths movements ultimate goal is to impose their political religious agenda and take control of millions of Welfare Reform dollars being delegated to the states in the form of social services and job training block grants. Several prominent Interfaith Councils are in various stages of development in the western United States. They include C.O.P.S. in San Antonio, EPSIO in El Paso, Valley Interfaith Project in Phoenix (VIP), and the Pima County Interfaith Council (PCIC) in Tucson. Some two dozen additional U.S. cities have also been infiltrated by the interfaith political action movement, which are stated herein. It should be noted, these Interfaith Councils have effectively recruited prominent local religious, educational, and political leaders and even the press. These individuals which Alinsky referred to as his "useful idiots" run interference for the interfaith hierarchy, which call the shots behind the scenes. In Tucson, Arizona, the Arizona Rural Human Services Network has, as David, cast the first stone at the local Interfaith Council (PCIC) and exposed their agenda of "preying on the poor " to promote their political agendas. The battle rages on throughout the country as local communities fight to rid themselves of the interfaith menace that has infiltrated their institutions with political religious agendas. On May 1st, 1997, a new corporation was initiated known as Citizens for Separation of Church & State, Inc. (CSCS). The initial general purpose of the corporation is to serve as a citizens watch-dog on the activities of the national interfaith movement funded by the Industrial Areas Foundation. Its primary focus will be on those Interfaith Councils based in Arizona, namely the Pima County Interfaith Council (PCIC), Valley Interfaith Project (VIP), and East Valley Interfaith Councils (VIP) of Phoenix. Other focal groups under the vigil will be OTOC of Omaha, COPS of San Antonio, and EPISO in El Paso, along with 24 other cities across the United States where the "Interfaith Menace" is at work. The Preamble as stated in the CSCS Bylaws include the following: To educate the public on the tenants of the U.S. Constitution, federal, state, and local laws as they relate to the separation of church and state as well as other guaranteed freedoms in our present day institutions and government. To educate the public of infringement thereof. Otherwise to conform with all allowable activities of a charitable and educational organization as defined under section 501C(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or corresponding provisions of any future U.S. Internal Revenue laws. |