Welcome To Interfaithpolitics.com

This website is to inform the general public nationwide regarding the  Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) and its religious Political Action Committees,  which are commonly known as Interfaith Councils on the local level.

A Letter from Billie Donohue, President of ARHSN

What’s New
See what’s been updated lately on the site.  Also a quick index of articles added in the last 30 days.

Who is PCIC?
Who is the PCIC? 
Why should you care?

View a complete listing of all English and Spanish articles relating to the Interfaith movement.

A list of reading material recommended to those interested in the Interfaith movement

View the art gallery, currently  featuring works by Luis Mena

Arizona Rural Human Services Network

PO Box 11971 Tucson AZ  85734

Phone (520) 682-7166 Fax:  (520) 682-7026

e-mail doozer@hotmail.com